Jan 2004-The Foundation for Global Harmony For the Heart Expo

Sending Cambodian, Japanese, and American students to an international conference on peace

Global Harmony“As Youth Ambassadors for Peace…five children, ages 12-17 from Saratoga and surrounding areas attended The Heart Expo, the first annual International Children’s Conference on Peace and Charity Concert for Cambodian orphans in the world. Local children and others from around the United States, Burma, Cambodia and Japan will interact through dialogue, games, music and artistic activities.

“We will learn how to work together in creative and harmonious ways. Our purpose will be to develop new ideas and ways of working for peace and for others. This unique opportunity and time together will help prepare us for our future responsibilities as citizens of the Saratoga area, the United States and the world.
Upon return to our countries and communities we, as Youth Ambassadors shared our impressions and experiences with families, friends, classmates and sponsors through reports and meetings. We returned with an International Declaration of Peace to be presented to the United Nations. This event will be filmed and recorded for a documentary and for the United Nations International Radio Broadcast.

“Your contribution and sponsorship of us as Youth Ambassadors helped with expense for travel and accommodations. You played a part in supporting children from your own backyard who went to work for global peace and harmony.”

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