Jan 2005- Lake Avenue School: Save the Children Tsunami Relief Fund

Tsunami Relief

Tsunami Relief

Awarded to: Sara W-G, Danielle E., Grace G.

These three young third-graders led their elementary school community in a campaign to help children touched by the Tsunami.

Tsunami Relief-We are a group of three, third grade girls conducting a fundraising project. We all dreamed of doing something to help children who needed help. One of us was interested in the plight of children in other countries who do not have clean water to drink. After the Tsunami in Asia, we decided to try to do something to help the children who have suffered from this disaster. We spoke to our teacher who agreed to help us with the project. We worked together and created a plan. First, we researched the countries affected by the Tsunami and the type of help that was needed for children. Some of the help needed includes helping children who were swept away by the waves to find their families or some one who can take care of them. Children also needed clean water to drink and healthy food to eat and clothes and toys and a place to live. We presented this information to our class and then together as a class we planned and presented an assembly to the whole school about the Tsunami disaster and our plan to help.

At the assembly our class asked students to do chores or other things at home to earn money. We asked students to bring this money into school to place in a labeled box. We put together a flyer to go home to parents to explaining the project and asking for their help. We also made banners, maps and posters to put up on our school walls. We made thank you cards to send home to parents to thank them for their support.

Our teacher met with the principal and the teachers and staff and all were supportive of this project.

The money will go to Save the Children, earmarked for the Tsunami Relief Project.

We appreciate your matching grant. We raised as a school community over $3,000.00.”

A Note Written by the Third Grade Teacher
This class service project not only benefited the Tsunami victims, but it also made our class and our school community grow stronger as we came together to work for a common cause. We are all happier for having helped others and are proud of our accomplishments. The experience influenced us to do more projects like this to help others.

We know about the work that Save the Children Foundation does and we trust that our contribution has helped to rebuild homes, provide jobs, reunite families, provide medicine for children and possibly even save lives. We are sure that the people that received this were emotionally encouraged to know that children halfway across the world cared about them and wanted to help.

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