Youth2– Youth Helping Youth collected $2,191.61 for Injury Prevention and participated in a 5K Walkathon held in Toronto on May 5, 2013. Youth2 walked with a team of doctors, nurses, researchers and community advocates of the Hospital for Sick Children.
YouthSquared brought home educational information on injury prevention to distribute to elementary, middle and high schools of Saratoga County.
Did you know that injury is the leading cause of death for person’s ages 1-44? It is likely that you or someone you know has been touched by injury: a relative killed in a car crash; a neighborhood child who drowned; a colleague who suffered burns from a house fire.
Injuries affect everyone, regardless of age, race, or economic status. In the first half of life, more Americans die from injuries- such as motor vehicle crashes and falls- than from any other cause, including cancer, HIV, or the flu. And deaths are only part of the problems. Each year, millions of people are injured and survive. They are faced with life-long mental, physical and financial problems.
Injuries, including all causes of unintentional and violence-related injuries combined, account for 50.6% of all deaths- that is more deaths than from non-communicable diseases (cancer, heart disease, etc.) and infectious diseases combined. There are more than 180,000 deaths from injury each year, 1 person every 3 minutes. There is an estimated 2.5 million people hospitalized with injury each year and an estimated 31.6 million people treated in the Emergency Department for injury each year. There is an estimated 465 billion cost annually in medical costs and lost productivity.
Research and prevention saves lives. Injuries are so common that we often accept them as just part of life. But many of them can be prevented, and their consequences reduced. We know that research and prevention help. But much work is still needed. For example education in driving safety is needed. In 2008, more than 3000 teens ages 15-19 died as a driver or a passenger of a teen driver. 75% of serious crashes are due to “critical errors” in going too fast, being distracted by cell phones or other teen passengers, lack of scanning needed to respond to hazards. They were not due to poor weather, vehicle malfunction or drowsy driving.
Compared to other leading causes of morbidity and mortality hardly any money is raised for research, education and awareness related to injuries. The only cure for injury is prevention.
Youth2– Youth Helping Youth is a Field of Interest Fund of the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region. Youth2 seeks to transform young people (up to age 22) by giving them the opportunity to participate in meaningful community work. Contributions to Youth2– Youth Helping Youth help fund volunteer, social action or social awareness projects that are proposed, approved and led by young people. What makes Youth2 unique is the kind of participation required by the youth involved. It is the only program of its type in the capital region.
- Injury Prevention
- Injury Prevention
- Injury Prevention
- Injury Prevention
- Injury Prevention Challenge