May 2013-Alopecia Areata Foundation walkathon at SPAC

This very successful event organized by 14-year-old Clara Urbahn raised over $7,500.00 for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness of Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disorder that makes one lose their body hair. The monies raised from the fundraiser went to the National Alopecia Areata research program.

Dec 2012-AHOPE Orphanage, Ethiopia

This grant written by Eryn Amodeo assisted 3 students to travel to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for two weeks to take care of the HIV positive children living at AHOPE. The students were involved in multiple fundraising efforts and gathering donations to bring with them sports equipment, hygiene and school supplies. The wide array of fund raising built awareness and community … Read More

Nov 2011-Community Allies

Angela Soucy with the Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services and the Ballston Area Community Center developed the Community Allies Program. The funds given by YouthSquared will assist the fun and educational outreach program to teach youth how to be an ally and help youth be able to stand up for themselves and others. This program will help lessen bullying, … Read More

June-2010-Bike and Build

Awarded to Paul Russell A nine-week cycling trip from Providence, Rhode Island to San Francisco with the non-profit Bike and Build to benefit affordable housing organizations in the United States. There are 32 riders ages 18-25 on the trip. Each rider is responsible for fund raising $4,000.00, $3,000.00 going to build affordable housing with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and … Read More

March 2010-Cheyenne River Youth Project

Awarded to Cara Kowalski This project involved volunteering with the Cheyenne River Youth Project, a grassroots youth organization that provides programs and services for Lakota people living on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota. It involves interacting with and mentoring young children in the Main Youth Center, which offers a positive and nurturing environment for kids on the reservation. … Read More

March 2009-“Reaching Out to Africa”: Tunahaki Orphanage, Tanzania, Africa

Awarded to Rebecca E. This grant will help to raise funds and awareness to help an orphanage in Tanzania, Africa. “Being able to truly make a difference in people’s lives excites me the most. These children don’t have adequate food, water, clothes or other basic necessities and to be able to change that is incredible! This project will help youth … Read More

June 2008-Comfort Zone: Money for Hygiene Products

Awarded to: Holly F. Money was raised to provide hygiene products for impoverished people in Amsterdam, New York. Holly will use the money to purchase soap, shampoo, tampons and toilet paper in bulk because Food Stamps does not cover these items. Holly felt strongly that these items should not be considered luxuries. These items will be distributed to families monthly … Read More

March 2008-Malaria No More

Awarded to: Sabrina H. The funds from Youth2 were combined with Sabrina’s fundraising efforts to buy bed nets to help people prevent getting malaria and to help children and their parents with malaria to get better. Sabrina organized efforts in her school to help this cause and she did a great job promoting this project on the radio and in … Read More

March 2008-Saratoga Economic Opportunity Council & Healthy Transportation Network Bike Safety and Transportation Initiative

Awarded to: Ashley S. The aim of this project is to provide bikes for low-income young members of the greater Saratoga Community. We seek to promote self-sufficiency for low-income individuals and to promote a non-motorized form of transport better for human health and the environment. The money from Youth2 will go towards restoring the bikes to make them safe for … Read More

Jan 2005- Lake Avenue School: Save the Children Tsunami Relief Fund

Awarded to: Sara W-G, Danielle E., Grace G. These three young third-graders led their elementary school community in a campaign to help children touched by the Tsunami. Tsunami Relief-We are a group of three, third grade girls conducting a fundraising project. We all dreamed of doing something to help children who needed help. One of us was interested in the … Read More